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Little Hero's  Legend  of  Yue Fei

By Henan Culture Film & TV Group,Henan Shijie Culture Media Co

Film trailer coming soon ! Keeping checking up  

Cast:Zhen Zhang, Zhenghua Chen, Ruolan Gong, Pengliang Ren, Sjikao Bi, Xiheng Huang, Kuan Huang, Di Yang, Jia Hani

Director (s):  Zhaowei Zhu

Producer(s):  Yongtao Guo; Zhaowei Zhu

Writer (s): Ziaopeng Lou

Production Status: Completed 2012

Runing Time: 88 Minutes

Awards: Finalist of 2012 International Family Film Festival  

Synopsis:  famous teacher is opening a school at Yue Village, the student Yue Fei and friends are all admitted to the same school. The apprentice wants to give the Kingfu instruction book from Zhou by force, and the students are fighting to defend it.