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 Hero In Fenghuang

By Henan Film Studio

Film trailer coming soon ! Keeping checking up  

Cast: Yingshi Wang; Fangcheng Li; Die Hu

Director (s):  Fuying Xie

Producer(s):  Jingwu Liao; Fuying Xie; Weifeng Feng; Yan Meng

Writer (s):  Fuying Xie

Production Status: Completed 2012

Runing Time: 90Minutes

Awards:  Speical Screen--

2012 San Diego International Children's Film Festival

Synopsis: There are two groups of youth living in a beautiful village. They are constantly having some funny conflict. One day, when the strong black evils take away all children from village, two groups united to fight with the evils, and then learn who the real Hero is.