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 The Egret Talker

By Beijing Oriental Star Film

Film trailer coming soon !  

Cast: Geyin Jin; Duo Zhang; Deliang Qi; Chenfei Wei; Yujia Liu; Guowei Bai

Director (s):  Xiaomin Wang, Qiheng Wang

Producer(s):  Xiaofan Jiang, Runsheng Liang

Writer (s): Xiaomin Wang

Production Status: Completed 2010

Runing Time: 92Minutes

Awards:  Finalist---2011 International Family Film Festival

Synopsis:  :  A 6 year old autistic boy Maomao, dislike his own parents who is not only treat him no patient but also sale the egret meat at their restaurant. He followed a fisher man couple, who lost their own baby, to the island where have lots of beautiful egrets. Maomao is very happy with the island life, and even able to talk like the egret. For protect the egrets from the illegal catchers, Maomao used his sound to warn the egret also learn the ability to speech to the human being.