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Four Little Shaolin Gongfu Stars

By Henan TV & Film Production Company


Cast: Chuanyi Zhou; Jingyi Zhan; Chao Sheng

Director (s):  Zhaowei Zhu

Producer(s):  Zhaowei Zhu

Writer (s): Zizhuang He; Feiyan Nan

Production Status: Completed 2008

Runing Time: 90Minutes

Awards:  Final selection of 2010 International Family Film Festival ; "Participation award"---San Diego International Film Festival 

Synopsis:  The film set up the background with the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It described that four ten-year-old children came from countrywide to ShaoLin Martial Art School to learn "WuShu". They might yearn towards learning Wushu; they might coddle since childhood; however, they became morally strong and learned teamwork, while in the tough training process.